When Johnathan and Tyler Stover got marriage, they posted application to local adoptio agency to look up available child. The agency's advocate had answer them, no child for gay couple. Tyler went so hopeless that he even tried to do suidice ones. Fortunately Johnathan was home then and Tyler got help immediately. Then Johnathan got an idea - Hostel for teenager who had kicked out their homes or wanted no more to live with their parents. He know that Tyler loved kids, so they bought a bigger house and asked their local friends to send their teenager to live with Johnathan and Tyler. Teenager should pay their rent on Hostel to do some housework, like dishes, trash, cleaning their rooms and do their laundry everyday.
The house was a middle of Oasis Springs and there were three floors. In the first floor were some toilets and bathroom, sauna, relax room for yoga, two swimming pools and room for computers. In the second floor were one bathroom, livingroom, kitchen and party area outside on the balcony. In the third floor were a big bathroom, four bedrooms and their entertainment room for playing guitars or violin, painting, doing woodworks, playing check, playing with pingpong and an electronic game carpet.
Johnathan Stover was a famous guitarlegend and he loved money and shopping. His husband Tyler was a famous E-sport gamer and had got very rich on his teenage. So when they got marriage they bought some retails too, like old gas station from Oasis Springs and a famous gay restaurant from Windenburg.
The first hostel member was Tatum Lawson, who was a bisexual fuckboy and working on Kiwano, selling his body for paying rent. The second member was Orson Gamez, who left home because hated children and his parents got a baby then, he loved to good food and drinking. The third member was Albert Kaufman, who was in love to Tatum, and became bisexual later, he liked to socialmedia and talking with new people. The fourth member was Andres Larimore, from very famous family, and it was known that he using drugs very much and that's why he was kicked out from home. He was the one who decided that in old gas station was going to sell drugs and alcohol. The fifth member was sugarbaby Nobuya Watanabe, who liked to wear women's clothes and sell his body by Kiwano too. The sixth member was Warren Stephens, very hot, black and bold boy, who wanted only to be a lover.
Johnathan and Tyler did some makeover to this gas station from LoversLab.
And after the first days it made so much money to Hostel Stover, that they wanted so sell only drugs there. Maybe one reason to top selling was that Andres gave every new customer an examble of very addictive purple bill.
I've downloaded a Basemental mod, which take both, drugs and alcohol inside my game.
Johnathan and Tyler did some makeover to this restaurant too.
I've modifyed that restaurant for roof deck with a beautiful glass ceiling, because of in game every Sims hate so much if they got wet and they always run inside if there are thunderstorms. So now everything are inside the same building.
Let's play a game!
Everything went so normally in the Hostel Stover, Johnathan was a part-time entertainer and Tyler was a e-sport gamer. They got some savings and everything went so well. Teenager did their homeworks, took parts to houseworks and even working part-time both of retailed buildings, the Drugstore and the Gay Restaurant.
But then everything change:
Tyler started to record homevideos, not normally funny videos, than sex videos and downloaded them to Adult.com. He fucked with Johnathan and they didn't know what happened between their teenager. Orson started to fuck Nobuya, Warren started to fuck Andres and Albert started to fuck Tatum same time than Tyler and Johnathan had sex.
Then they got their first birthday party, there were all of Albert's family and friends, also his new girly friend - Maryann Gonzales. They ordered a unicorn cake, Johnathan lighted candles, Albert blow them away and turned to young adult. Tatum wanted to do same.
But that day was so ashamed for Tatum on his school day, than he died on his own birthday.
But everything is possible in Sims 4 - then the ghost game to that restaurant. I put that ghost back to family and moved those birthdayboys from their own with that Maryann-girl.
As you can all see, Marylene and Elliot has turned to parents for that beautiful little girl, named Rochelle.
I want to share one funny photo of my game. I was downloaded some new mods and when I got back to game, Marylene had missed her hair:
That's not the only thing, why I posted that photo 😎.
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